BBC NEWS | Health | Invasion of the Bodysnatchers
Fuck Me thats is the foulest thing i've ever read!!! eewwwww parasites i don't need!!! although to be honest i can think if a number of people who'd benefit from a 6 foot long tapeworm!!
Thursday, November 27, 2003
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Europe puts France up for reactor
hmmmm Nuclear Fusion in France eh???? This is the beginning!!! There'll be Star Destroyers by the end of the Century you mark my words...........or blog!!
hmmmm Nuclear Fusion in France eh???? This is the beginning!!! There'll be Star Destroyers by the end of the Century you mark my words...........or blog!!
Tuesday, September 30, 2003
BBC NEWS | Magazine | Does virtual crime need real justice?
Brilliant!!! Virtual hooligans!!! can you imagine that there you are in your mud hut in Everquest when in burst 3 trolls in ski masks...........
Brilliant!!! Virtual hooligans!!! can you imagine that there you are in your mud hut in Everquest when in burst 3 trolls in ski masks...........
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | King crabs march towards the Pole
look a the size of that M'Fer!!! Christ the Crabs are taking over!!!
look a the size of that M'Fer!!! Christ the Crabs are taking over!!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2003
BBC NEWS | World | Islam: How much do you know?
POP Quiz hot shot, better have a go at this, you never know in a few years this could be a pre requisite!!!
POP Quiz hot shot, better have a go at this, you never know in a few years this could be a pre requisite!!!
Friday, September 12, 2003
Ex ministro britannico su 11 settembre : Indymedia Italia
I LOVE this!!! Check out the conspiracy threads in this article from the Guardian!!!! Do this ring any bells, could they actually be this Machievallian???? Only time will tell folks!! I for one welcome our new Overlords!! (just in case they Rumsfeld is reading this!!)
I LOVE this!!! Check out the conspiracy threads in this article from the Guardian!!!! Do this ring any bells, could they actually be this Machievallian???? Only time will tell folks!! I for one welcome our new Overlords!! (just in case they Rumsfeld is reading this!!)
Q&A with Richard Miniter on Osama bin Laden on National Review Online
SPIN, SPIN, SPIN!!! its amusing to me, the angst that the general public in the US of A espouse in regards to 9/11. If they considered the wealth of information readily available that highlights just how long, the State Dept, the CIA, and the encumbent Government knew and realised the threat that Osama posed? its amazing there hasn't been greater social unrest due to this dropping of the ball by the States!!
SPIN, SPIN, SPIN!!! its amusing to me, the angst that the general public in the US of A espouse in regards to 9/11. If they considered the wealth of information readily available that highlights just how long, the State Dept, the CIA, and the encumbent Government knew and realised the threat that Osama posed? its amazing there hasn't been greater social unrest due to this dropping of the ball by the States!!
WBUR: Has Post-9/11 Dragnet Gone Too Far? (2003-09-11)
Its all gone a bit Pete Tong!! These open ended Anti Terrorism laws in the States have turned it into a quasi- fascist state!! yes the electorate still vote like a democracy for the goverment of the time, but once they are there, the 'hawks' have the power to arrest, detain and hold your sorry ass for as long as they like, and when they do try you in court its a goddamn military tribunal not a federal court!!! SCARY SCARY SCARY!!!
Its all gone a bit Pete Tong!! These open ended Anti Terrorism laws in the States have turned it into a quasi- fascist state!! yes the electorate still vote like a democracy for the goverment of the time, but once they are there, the 'hawks' have the power to arrest, detain and hold your sorry ass for as long as they like, and when they do try you in court its a goddamn military tribunal not a federal court!!! SCARY SCARY SCARY!!!
Thursday, September 11, 2003
"your magic bullet for great skin tone". Atkins diet is nothing compared to this. If you look a decade younger after eating salmon for 3 days, imagine what your skin would be like after eating it for a year? How long did Gollum survive on fish alone?
Global Rich List. OK, work is annoying sometimes, and you run out of money every month because you spent it in a night-club on the latest sugary / sugar-free / alco-shot (another new word brought to you by Junket's Gym).. but this shows you really where you are...and I bet you are in the top 1% - which means, financially, 99% of the planet are worse off than YOU!
Stabbed Swedish minister 'critical'. Monetary union eh? It's a bad thing that people feel so strongly that they have to assassinate a public figure, but at least there is some feeling out there. The 'bread & circus' approach leads to apathy - then those that be can get away with "murder" (metaphorically speaking of course). In 1986 Olof Palme was assinated - I have met one of the suspects.
Wednesday, September 10, 2003
BBC NEWS | World | Americas | 9/11 liability cases given go ahead
Arghhh!!!! This PISSES me off!!!! No f**king wonder the millitants hate the West!!! Instead of being horrified about this mass murder and trying to deal with the grief, what are some Yanks doing? taking out litigation against the airlines and even the world trade centre!!! I mean for F**ks sake what was the world trade centre meant to do??? have a permanent SAM missile site set up on the roof of the towers to blow rogue Aircraft out of the skies?? How about the Airlines, maybe the pilots should have been given the ability to emulate 'the divine wind' from WWII and self destruct the aircraft!! What was it Spock said ???? " the needs of the many out weight the needs of the few....or the one" DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH!!! Maybe they should have put in a provision for 10,000 parachutes or maybe make-shift hang-gliders, or maybe a big F**k off bouncy castle for people to jump into!! The people who carry out these attacks are motivated by hatred and religion, they believe (albeit in a twisted way) that they are on a HOLY war, there is no greater power for solidarity and strength of character............can you imagine the will it takes to fly a plane into a building.... now i'm not saying i sympathise of respect/admire what these 19 murderers did....however as the people on the defensive i.e the supposed 'civilised' West, how are we to respond? do you think they will just give up the ghost and fade away???? the only way to fight an enemy with that kind of will it to establish a level of fear in them at the same time. Carpet bombing bases in Afghanistan doesn't do that, a big 'war' in Iraq doesn't do's what we need. Just before WWII when the National Socialists came to power, before the Kristallnacht and the night of the long knives, there existed a group called the 'league of night and fog' basically any political enemy of the Socialists lived in fear of this gang, because they struck at random, entire families of leading politicians just disappeared into the fog, no trace, no note, no ransom demand, never heard of again, and what effect did this have it instilled ....FEAR, fear of the unknown. Islama knows exactly how the West will react to him, so he is not afraid of us, sure there's the physical fear of potentially dying, but there's no psychological fear. We need to take the gloves off.......................but until that happens i guess we can keep stoking the fire that burns within these people by reinforcing their view of the 'evil, decadent west' by trying to make a fast buck on the back of the biggest mass murder the States has ever seen.....................answers on a postcard to 'things i hate in the world!!!'
Arghhh!!!! This PISSES me off!!!! No f**king wonder the millitants hate the West!!! Instead of being horrified about this mass murder and trying to deal with the grief, what are some Yanks doing? taking out litigation against the airlines and even the world trade centre!!! I mean for F**ks sake what was the world trade centre meant to do??? have a permanent SAM missile site set up on the roof of the towers to blow rogue Aircraft out of the skies?? How about the Airlines, maybe the pilots should have been given the ability to emulate 'the divine wind' from WWII and self destruct the aircraft!! What was it Spock said ???? " the needs of the many out weight the needs of the few....or the one" DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH!!! Maybe they should have put in a provision for 10,000 parachutes or maybe make-shift hang-gliders, or maybe a big F**k off bouncy castle for people to jump into!! The people who carry out these attacks are motivated by hatred and religion, they believe (albeit in a twisted way) that they are on a HOLY war, there is no greater power for solidarity and strength of character............can you imagine the will it takes to fly a plane into a building.... now i'm not saying i sympathise of respect/admire what these 19 murderers did....however as the people on the defensive i.e the supposed 'civilised' West, how are we to respond? do you think they will just give up the ghost and fade away???? the only way to fight an enemy with that kind of will it to establish a level of fear in them at the same time. Carpet bombing bases in Afghanistan doesn't do that, a big 'war' in Iraq doesn't do's what we need. Just before WWII when the National Socialists came to power, before the Kristallnacht and the night of the long knives, there existed a group called the 'league of night and fog' basically any political enemy of the Socialists lived in fear of this gang, because they struck at random, entire families of leading politicians just disappeared into the fog, no trace, no note, no ransom demand, never heard of again, and what effect did this have it instilled ....FEAR, fear of the unknown. Islama knows exactly how the West will react to him, so he is not afraid of us, sure there's the physical fear of potentially dying, but there's no psychological fear. We need to take the gloves off.......................but until that happens i guess we can keep stoking the fire that burns within these people by reinforcing their view of the 'evil, decadent west' by trying to make a fast buck on the back of the biggest mass murder the States has ever seen.....................answers on a postcard to 'things i hate in the world!!!'
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
Scientists develop 'bacterial battery'... yes but where would you use them? Imagine the irony of cleaning your teeth with an electric, bacterially powered toothbrush? How's about a bacterially powered marital aid for the ladies - what if it leaked? I disgust myself.
Untitled Document
Hmmm Big Brother i do believe, i can virtually guarentee that there will be certain employees of a compnay we're familiar with working here!!! Did you know we're the only civilian comany to have outsourced any computer work from the NSA?
Hmmm Big Brother i do believe, i can virtually guarentee that there will be certain employees of a compnay we're familiar with working here!!! Did you know we're the only civilian comany to have outsourced any computer work from the NSA?
EastEnders cleans up at TV awards
DO NOT GET ME STARTED! Celebrity mutual luvvie back-slapping. This drives me mad - who gives a damn about people's ability to learn lines and pretend to cry or make a cup of tea? Why don't we award the real winners - I know it sounds lame - but surely nurses, surgeons, aid workers & mine-clearers are all far more worthy of reward than these folk? Get real.
DO NOT GET ME STARTED! Celebrity mutual luvvie back-slapping. This drives me mad - who gives a damn about people's ability to learn lines and pretend to cry or make a cup of tea? Why don't we award the real winners - I know it sounds lame - but surely nurses, surgeons, aid workers & mine-clearers are all far more worthy of reward than these folk? Get real.
Monday, September 08, 2003
Sexual Chemistry - bring it on. Loads of opportunity to do different things with another 1000 singletons! Connect 4, Truth or dare Jenga... someone for everyone. - your ticket to appearing on television shows - search through tv shows, find a job in television, free audience tickets and receive email alerts of new listings - be on screen
I wondered where they all came from - had a completely embarrassing incident, been had by a loan shark or double-glazing company, got a weird sexual problem that you want to share with 10 million people? Come on, don't be shy - show the whole world that you're an idiot and sign up for a TV show!
I wondered where they all came from - had a completely embarrassing incident, been had by a loan shark or double-glazing company, got a weird sexual problem that you want to share with 10 million people? Come on, don't be shy - show the whole world that you're an idiot and sign up for a TV show!
BBC NEWS | England | West Yorkshire | Scientists highlight fish 'intelligence'
HAHA!!! Fish and Goldfish at that are 'socially intelligent'...........unlike UNIX programmers then!!!!
HAHA!!! Fish and Goldfish at that are 'socially intelligent'...........unlike UNIX programmers then!!!!
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Doomsday postponed
Damn and i was looking forward to Bruce Willis leaping into action and sorting this bad mo' fo out!!! Looks like NASA will be kicking themselves.......nothing like a good disaster to get shed loads of money out of Congress for reusable spacecraft!!
Damn and i was looking forward to Bruce Willis leaping into action and sorting this bad mo' fo out!!! Looks like NASA will be kicking themselves.......nothing like a good disaster to get shed loads of money out of Congress for reusable spacecraft!!
Wednesday, September 03, 2003
Honey trap 'flirts' wanted... Now, I know that I suffer from low self-esteem sometimes, and that completely distorts how I act throughout the days, but surely having to employee a company to test the fidelity of a partner takes it a little far. Partnership is based upon trust but at £50 per hour, that's a costly commodity to survey! Are we really that bad at detecting dishonesty? Surely, if we are honest with ourselves then it is pretty obvious? Oh, I forgot, the low self-esteem skew... now I understand. Why not profit from other people's ailments?! Makes me mad! How's about setting a 'real' honey trap?
Private Lynch signs $1m book deal
GETS MY GOAT! Honestly, this young piece of canon fodder (I don't think she was even that) doesn't even remember much about her ordeal and they give her a $1 million book deal - I bet she doesn't even write the book.... oh yes, just read the article. How far would $1 million go in the supply of essential drugs for Iraqi babies? It's immoral.
GETS MY GOAT! Honestly, this young piece of canon fodder (I don't think she was even that) doesn't even remember much about her ordeal and they give her a $1 million book deal - I bet she doesn't even write the book.... oh yes, just read the article. How far would $1 million go in the supply of essential drugs for Iraqi babies? It's immoral.
Tuesday, September 02, 2003
BBC NEWS | Health | Jazz stars linked to mental illness
There's a theme today... of course, there is an upside to everything. You can't under-estimate the power of mental illness. Einstein was a manic depressive, and numerous other people responsible for the great paradigm shifts over time have all suffered in the same way. It seems to be their lot! Of course, Richard P Feynman was an exception. An absolute genius and great bongo player, and we can all apreciate great bong playing!
There's a theme today... of course, there is an upside to everything. You can't under-estimate the power of mental illness. Einstein was a manic depressive, and numerous other people responsible for the great paradigm shifts over time have all suffered in the same way. It seems to be their lot! Of course, Richard P Feynman was an exception. An absolute genius and great bongo player, and we can all apreciate great bong playing!
BBC NEWS | Health | Three million follow Atkins diet
3 million people eh??? that many people must consider this to be slightly beneficial....... It seems everyday someone is weighing in with a pro/con story about the diet!!!
3 million people eh??? that many people must consider this to be slightly beneficial....... It seems everyday someone is weighing in with a pro/con story about the diet!!!
BBC NEWS | Health | Negative thoughts 'make you ill'
Again its all relative!!! We all need to sit back and stop over analysing our lives!! Be greatful for what we've got i reckon......hell it could be worse in another life we could have been a serf during Stalin's purges......somehow i think our modern creature comforts more than make up for the lack of hardship.......or is it just me? Positive Mental Thoughts will stave off illness, however its still a man's perogative to behave like a complete wimp at the slightest hint of a cold...........and the Lawrence Olivier Award for overacting in the role of a sick man goes to..........................
Again its all relative!!! We all need to sit back and stop over analysing our lives!! Be greatful for what we've got i reckon......hell it could be worse in another life we could have been a serf during Stalin's purges......somehow i think our modern creature comforts more than make up for the lack of hardship.......or is it just me? Positive Mental Thoughts will stave off illness, however its still a man's perogative to behave like a complete wimp at the slightest hint of a cold...........and the Lawrence Olivier Award for overacting in the role of a sick man goes to..........................
Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation
How amusing the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundations website is possibly the maddest cluttered site on the web, how soothing that must be for people who have to fold towels three times and make sure the angles are all at 90 degrees before they leave the house!!!
I've decided to compile a list of blogged sites of all the little neuroses i think i suffer from to one extent or another!!!
How amusing the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundations website is possibly the maddest cluttered site on the web, how soothing that must be for people who have to fold towels three times and make sure the angles are all at 90 degrees before they leave the house!!!
I've decided to compile a list of blogged sites of all the little neuroses i think i suffer from to one extent or another!!!
BBC - Mental Health - Bipolar Disorder Part I
Hmmm...... are there degrees of bi polarisation??? I'm sure most of us experience fluctuations of 'high' and 'low' i guess the secret is to recognise this facet of your personality and endeavour to not sink to low on the downward spiral.......but hey afterwards your virtually guarenteed to come back up again!!!
Hmmm...... are there degrees of bi polarisation??? I'm sure most of us experience fluctuations of 'high' and 'low' i guess the secret is to recognise this facet of your personality and endeavour to not sink to low on the downward spiral.......but hey afterwards your virtually guarenteed to come back up again!!!
Monday, September 01, 2003
BBC NEWS | Technology | Game graphics hit their limits
Interesting story seems the developers are realising that its not just stunning graphics people want, there has to be some gameplay!! I remember Green Beret on the ZX i could measure how far i could get in that game in inches...........
Interesting story seems the developers are realising that its not just stunning graphics people want, there has to be some gameplay!! I remember Green Beret on the ZX i could measure how far i could get in that game in inches...........
Friday, August 29, 2003
BBC NEWS | England | London | Demand for power cut answers
...and then in the nervous tension that this 'hidden war' (I tried to think of a term similar to cold war - but I ain't no Churchill) produces immediately leads the blithering masses to assume that every major problem that occurs is a terrorist attack. I remember as a teenager feeling the same way as we were living under the shadow of the mushroom cloud. Let's face it, the terrorists are achieving their aims because we are all on edge. We should empower ourselves by taking a dose of reality. We cannot do anything about the hidden threat - and the fact is that there is a risk to everything in life (eating, drinking, walking, winking) - let's just get on with it. Honestly... you wouldn't treat a playground bully with such trepidation and fear.
...and then in the nervous tension that this 'hidden war' (I tried to think of a term similar to cold war - but I ain't no Churchill) produces immediately leads the blithering masses to assume that every major problem that occurs is a terrorist attack. I remember as a teenager feeling the same way as we were living under the shadow of the mushroom cloud. Let's face it, the terrorists are achieving their aims because we are all on edge. We should empower ourselves by taking a dose of reality. We cannot do anything about the hidden threat - and the fact is that there is a risk to everything in life (eating, drinking, walking, winking) - let's just get on with it. Honestly... you wouldn't treat a playground bully with such trepidation and fear.
Wanna be a spy??? (sounds exciting the pays crap!!)
Julia's Story
No wonder we're prone to terrorist attack, the pays rubbish being a spy, why the hell would you give up a job earning a decent wedge to go and do dangerous work for little financial reward??? Surely if the Government upped the pay scale a bit they'd get loads of talented, bright people jacking in their cushy jobs for a bit of excitment and to do some good??? Until then i guess we're going to be left in the safe hands of people like that Rik Waller wannabe David Shayler!!!! you know his nickname was BT in school
Julia's Story
No wonder we're prone to terrorist attack, the pays rubbish being a spy, why the hell would you give up a job earning a decent wedge to go and do dangerous work for little financial reward??? Surely if the Government upped the pay scale a bit they'd get loads of talented, bright people jacking in their cushy jobs for a bit of excitment and to do some good??? Until then i guess we're going to be left in the safe hands of people like that Rik Waller wannabe David Shayler!!!! you know his nickname was BT in school
How the Mighty have fallen......
I remember a time when we were the most feared nation on earth!!! For god's sake our national war time leader (Churchill) and his oppo 'invented' the concentration camp during the Boer war!!! Does nobody in the world study history??? Sir Francis Drake was a Royally sanctioned Pirate!! We invented Terrorism!!! This is a sad state of affairs when we've sunk below Afghanistan as a place most worthy of an attack!! there's nothing left there now apart from some mud huts and the worlds major supply of moutain goats!!
UK '10th on terror target list'
Britain has a high number of symbolic targets
The UK has been ranked 10th in the world for its vulnerability to a terrorist attack.
1. Colombia
2. Israel
3. Pakistan
4. United States
5. Philippines
6. Afghanistan
7. Indonesia
8. Iraq
9. India
10. UK
Britain's close relationship with the US, its role in the Iraq war and a "sophisticated militant Islamic network", were key reasons cited by the study.
It also highlights the UK's high number of symbolic targets such as the Houses of Parliament.
In the study, by risk assessment group the World Markets Research Centre, the UK was ahead of Russia, Liberia, Yemen and Lebanon as a country most likely to be targeted.
Colombia, Israel and Pakistan head the Global Terrorism Index for 2003-04, with the USA in fourth place.
Risk assessments for terrorism were carried out in 186 sovereign states and against countries' overseas interests for the next 12 months.
I remember a time when we were the most feared nation on earth!!! For god's sake our national war time leader (Churchill) and his oppo 'invented' the concentration camp during the Boer war!!! Does nobody in the world study history??? Sir Francis Drake was a Royally sanctioned Pirate!! We invented Terrorism!!! This is a sad state of affairs when we've sunk below Afghanistan as a place most worthy of an attack!! there's nothing left there now apart from some mud huts and the worlds major supply of moutain goats!!
UK '10th on terror target list'
Britain has a high number of symbolic targets
The UK has been ranked 10th in the world for its vulnerability to a terrorist attack.
1. Colombia
2. Israel
3. Pakistan
4. United States
5. Philippines
6. Afghanistan
7. Indonesia
8. Iraq
9. India
10. UK
Britain's close relationship with the US, its role in the Iraq war and a "sophisticated militant Islamic network", were key reasons cited by the study.
It also highlights the UK's high number of symbolic targets such as the Houses of Parliament.
In the study, by risk assessment group the World Markets Research Centre, the UK was ahead of Russia, Liberia, Yemen and Lebanon as a country most likely to be targeted.
Colombia, Israel and Pakistan head the Global Terrorism Index for 2003-04, with the USA in fourth place.
Risk assessments for terrorism were carried out in 186 sovereign states and against countries' overseas interests for the next 12 months.
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