Tuesday, April 06, 2004

City Journal Spring 2004 | What We Don�t Know Can Hurt Us by Heather Mac DonaldThis is a really long article but makes great reading. About Darpa's TOTAL INFORMATION AWARENESS program that has recently been cancelled. In the wake of 9/11 and the USA's war on terror it makes a really good point that the average Senator and American, generally distrusts its own government. The need for increased security and the ability to allow the intelligence services access to information that they require to help prevent further attacks, seem to be diametrically opposed to what some senators believe is in the Constitution??? it really is a melting pot over there. A country technologically advanced with people as religiously extreme as any you will find in the middle east, yet with a shrunken view of the world outside their town/state. READ THE ARTICLE ITS EYE OPENING, but hey as the lone gunmen would say, take everything with a pinch of salt. One man's unequivocal truth is another man's lies!!..........posted by the Advocate

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