Thursday, April 08, 2004

BBC NEWS | Technology | 'Clever' car to solve congestionFinally a green motor that maybe even Rob could feel comfortable travelling in?? Mind you the thought of doing 50 mph in that thing that has a tilting suspension is well scary!!! imagine if you got twatted by some numpty driving a Sierra!!!

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Get it out of me!

Oh my goodness! A woman in Mexico gives birth to a healthy baby boy after performing a Caesarean on herself with a kitchen knife. This is incredible, and makes you wonder about the primitive urges and instincts which drive us. May be she thought it was a parasitic alien.... Lewis - your views on pregnancy?
[Via BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition] - First true robot warplane takes offRobot Warplanes!! quality!! the phantom works have flown the x45 successfully and the Skunk works are developing the x47!! bring on the documentary on the Discovery channel i say!! its like living in the future!!

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

The robots are coming!

After their successful Mars trip (documented only here on the Magic Bullet) it appears that these silicon superiors are taking a pot-shot at our cultural heritage. This one is successfully conducting an orchestra. There is no image of the orchestra itself, so I am assuming that the musicians are under the robot's spell and have probably been chained to their chairs.

Anyone seen the 'Day The Earth Stood Still?'

City Journal Spring 2004 | What We Don�t Know Can Hurt Us by Heather Mac DonaldThis is a really long article but makes great reading. About Darpa's TOTAL INFORMATION AWARENESS program that has recently been cancelled. In the wake of 9/11 and the USA's war on terror it makes a really good point that the average Senator and American, generally distrusts its own government. The need for increased security and the ability to allow the intelligence services access to information that they require to help prevent further attacks, seem to be diametrically opposed to what some senators believe is in the Constitution??? it really is a melting pot over there. A country technologically advanced with people as religiously extreme as any you will find in the middle east, yet with a shrunken view of the world outside their town/state. READ THE ARTICLE ITS EYE OPENING, but hey as the lone gunmen would say, take everything with a pinch of salt. One man's unequivocal truth is another man's lies!!..........posted by the Advocate
Arutz Sheva - Israel National NewsYou have to love this!!! where can i get some mp3's of the musical stylings of this nut job??? mind you he's got a point, if he ever released the track 'Ariel Sharon's a mincer' matbe MOSSAD would take him out!!!

Monday, April 05, 2004

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Satellite to test Einstein theoryBrilliant i love this!! science for science's sake!! trying to prove Einsteins theory of space time!! its the first step on the way to building gravity drives to power interstellar flight!!!
The Manila Times Internet Edition | TOP STORIES > US helped steal war loot I like this one, Yashamita's gold and the phillipines has been a great story fro years, and that many people includng Marcos have searched for it and not found anything, and with this you have to remember that the Japanese documented that by todays standards they secreted Trillions of dollars worth of gold on the islands!! Did the CIA use it and fund themselves?? If you believe in a high level cabal of people who run things behind the facade of an elected government then this is a great idea!! Not everything has to be funded by black money from congress then!!!
April Fools' Special: History's HoaxesOne for Mr Mark Drew himself!! The National Geographic article on hoaxes!!! Now as funny as they are to read and laugh at the expense of gullible people, i've always believed that Governments use hoaxes as a tool for misinformation, there's no smoke without fire, but the best place to hide a secret is in the open just get everybody else looking slightly to the left at something they perceive to be more sensational!!