Wednesday, April 14, 2004 - Xbox2 to feature ipod beater?In another internet rumour, how cool would Microsoft be if they could pull this off??? smacks of their plan to intergrate the Media center into everything!!
BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Turin Shroud 'shows second face'Scientists and the Curia were today shocked to discover a second face on the Turin shroud. Already a point of controversy due to carbon dating discrepancies, scientists were appalled to discover the second likeness bears a frightening resemblance to Jimmy Cranky..................

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Dark matter 'found within decade'BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Dark matter 'found within decade'Dark Matter found within the decade eh?? the thing that intrigues me is that scientists reckon that all the visible objects in the unverse only accounts for 0.5% of the total. This to me is exactly the case for an argument against an all powerful deity we are even more in significant than even we realise, we live for a cosmic fraction (even the planet's only been here for a cosmic second!!) How rational people can subscribe to theories of God's is farcical to me?? Religion should be banned outright globally!!! Even more worrying?? If we're such a minority in the universe (compared to all the particels we can't see) what if there's a whole flip universe that lives in the Dark Matter and we're the anomaly that lives in the light?? News - Top Stories - Military scientists to study regrowth of limbsLimb regeneration?? Quality its our good friends at DARPA again!!! i love these guys more money than sense and they back projects that might not see technology leaps for another 30 years!! now THATS science for me!!
Yahoo! News - Robotics' Research Gaining in PrestigeRobots of the future?? i predict we're about to see an explosion of these little buggers!! it was all prophesised in the Terminator and the Matrix, what good are Asimov's laws of robotics (i.e cannot harm or by inaction cause the harm of a human being) when all the robots are being developed by the military??
In flight flight-simulators?

Broadband prepares to take off... imagine - you'll be able to synchronise your Lotus notes, work over the VPN straight into the network at work. You'll be truly mobile... what joy, you can work eevrywhere now!