Wednesday, September 10, 2003

BBC NEWS | World | Americas | 9/11 liability cases given go ahead

Arghhh!!!! This PISSES me off!!!! No f**king wonder the millitants hate the West!!! Instead of being horrified about this mass murder and trying to deal with the grief, what are some Yanks doing? taking out litigation against the airlines and even the world trade centre!!! I mean for F**ks sake what was the world trade centre meant to do??? have a permanent SAM missile site set up on the roof of the towers to blow rogue Aircraft out of the skies?? How about the Airlines, maybe the pilots should have been given the ability to emulate 'the divine wind' from WWII and self destruct the aircraft!! What was it Spock said ???? " the needs of the many out weight the needs of the few....or the one" DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH!!! Maybe they should have put in a provision for 10,000 parachutes or maybe make-shift hang-gliders, or maybe a big F**k off bouncy castle for people to jump into!! The people who carry out these attacks are motivated by hatred and religion, they believe (albeit in a twisted way) that they are on a HOLY war, there is no greater power for solidarity and strength of character............can you imagine the will it takes to fly a plane into a building.... now i'm not saying i sympathise of respect/admire what these 19 murderers did....however as the people on the defensive i.e the supposed 'civilised' West, how are we to respond? do you think they will just give up the ghost and fade away???? the only way to fight an enemy with that kind of will it to establish a level of fear in them at the same time. Carpet bombing bases in Afghanistan doesn't do that, a big 'war' in Iraq doesn't do's what we need. Just before WWII when the National Socialists came to power, before the Kristallnacht and the night of the long knives, there existed a group called the 'league of night and fog' basically any political enemy of the Socialists lived in fear of this gang, because they struck at random, entire families of leading politicians just disappeared into the fog, no trace, no note, no ransom demand, never heard of again, and what effect did this have it instilled ....FEAR, fear of the unknown. Islama knows exactly how the West will react to him, so he is not afraid of us, sure there's the physical fear of potentially dying, but there's no psychological fear. We need to take the gloves off.......................but until that happens i guess we can keep stoking the fire that burns within these people by reinforcing their view of the 'evil, decadent west' by trying to make a fast buck on the back of the biggest mass murder the States has ever seen.....................answers on a postcard to 'things i hate in the world!!!'

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