Friday, May 21, 2004

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Cosmos 'a billion years older'

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Cosmos 'a billion years older'So the Universe is 14.7 billion years old not 13.7 billions years old, and our lifespan has just gone up to about 80 years since 1950.............does anybody in the Vatican read this stuff? How can rational people subscribe to a Deity GOD figure when we live in this digital age. the universe is 14.7 billions years old for god's sake!!! What do they think happened? God created that then went down the boozer for 14.699999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
9999999999999999 years and 30 mins then got back and thought 'bugger i better get on an create Earth' then he left that for a couple of million years snuffed out the Dinosaurs (big mistake...... he doesn't like talking about it!!) then he created Man in his image!!!! DO ME A FAVOUR!!!!!!

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